
My name is Michał Poczwardowski, currently living on Planet Earth, travelling all my life, mostly around the Sun.

I believe that looking through different perspectives is one of the best ways to help us make better decisions. I share my perspectives through this publication.

Our identities are fluid and we should not cling to any single one of them too strongly. Professionally, I can be described as: an engineer, an engineering manager, a technical person, a guy who likes computers, an individual who is curious about the world and enjoys learning new things and solving problems. These identities shape my thinking, so presenting them here is helpful for understanding my posts.

My notes are grouped in four categories:

Writing shapes our thinking and putting thoughts into words helps us evaluate our understanding.

I write to practise my “thinking on paper” and to share my perspectives, but the side effect I value the most is to help you in your endeavours.

I shared my advice on writing in this post:

Last revision of this page: February 8, 2024

My public profiles:

If you’d like connect, use michal.poczwardowski@pm.me

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A Tech Leadership Newsletter with hundreds of subscribers across 70+ countries and articles featured in top industry newsletters, such as "Leadership in Tech", "Software Lead Weekly" and tldr.tech.


I can be described as: an engineer, an engineering manager, a technical person, a guy who likes computers, an individual curious of the world who enjoys learning new things and solving problems.