"The Great Mental Models: Physics, Chemistry and Biology" Vol. 2 - by Farnam Street 4/5
The second volume of the series about Mental Models explores physics, chemistry and biology. Each of the mental models from these scientific domains have been tested by nature from the beginning of time, thus they are highly practical and our thinking can benefit hugely from these universal concepts.
As with the other volumes, the second book still looks and feels great. Being a high quality hardcover the aesthetic aspect is preserved. The models are delivered in the same way as introduced in the first volume - they start with an introduction, then examples, and finally a conclusion. However, after reading the second book the first feels more basic and shorter while the second volume feels more practical and grounded (in laws of nature).
The given examples triggered in me a desire to explore surrounding topics. For example, after I had read about how leaders during wars benefited in battles using the mental models, I was keen to refresh my knowledge about the history of WW2. Getting to know concepts from different branches of science helps us with multidisciplinary thinking, and this is key to solving problems better. It helps us avoid stupidity and repeating the errors made by others.